
this retarded computer.
And curse
my retarded
Economic History of The United States
impaired brain.
They are speaking Spanish
next door and
I wish I could join in
but I am not that brave.
Or that cool.
I miss you
like I miss no other
and I had no idea
that you would ever start
to matter this much.
But there are things about you
that have to change
before I will let myself
tell you
that I love you.
This poem is retarded.
All my writing lately
has been retarded.
What's wrong with me?
I think my sister
snuck into my room
in the middle of the night
and stole
my writing ability
and took it for herself.


Happy Birthday.
Blow out your candles
eat some cake
and kiss me goodnight.
You're older now
we're older now
and we're still here.
Thanks God.
If you could have anything
what would it be?
Once upon a time
you told me
it was me.
But I still think
you miss your dad.
If I could
I would fix everything that has ever hurt you
and make it all go away.
But I'm not that strong
so all I can give you
is someone to lean on.
I don't know
where we are going to end up.
But wherever it is
will be


I have decided
I want someone to fall in love with me
because I love Jesus.
Call me crazy
but it’s just
the way I am.
And I want
someone to fall in love with me
because I am not
like every other girl.
Even though
I sometimes look like everyone else
I’m not.
Watch me smile
and cry
and decide
that you love me.


I'll find the right words to say to you.