

My arms are open wide
stretched out wide.
My hands are holding onto you
clinging to You.
I'm flying freely
but I had to jump to get here.
I wish you could see this.
I wish you could understand.
Tonight the world could crash
and we could fade away
and nothing would be the same
but You.
Always You.
I'm gasping for air now
crying out for Breath.
This faith, it takes me under
and it always pulls me through.
I've my fair share of bruises
and wounds I wish I could hide.
But in the end,
it all comes back to You.
All to You.
I am so unworthy,
and You are so magnificent.
God, who am I?
Your love, it's so consuming.
You're a fire to my bones
an intoxication in my soul.
I'm never letting go of You.


A lack of empathy

I can't seem the feel the empathy towards you
that I once had.
You took that away.
You threw it away, violently.
Believe me, your feelings were made perfectly clear.
Decisions are killing you.
I can't help you out anymore.
This is where I really cut ties,
and burn bridges on purpose.
Drastic measures, maybe.
But it's for our good.
I can't function with you
and you can't function without me.
That's not how it works.
So. Read this and weep.
Then move on,
and forget all about me.
(Is this screaming emo?)
Life is better now.
I'm not going to go risk that just for your sanity.
That's between you and God.
I've given you my input.
But I can't believe for you anymore.


I'll find the right words to say to you.