
d u m p truck

looks like i just need a place to
current things i am concerned about:
feeling slightly fatter than normal
it's 5 in the morning and i still haven't slept
going back to a pile of homework
going back to a pile of drama/trauma
christmas presents
lack of money to buy christmas presents

current things i am grateful/excited/happy about:
my dog is sleeping at my feet
i just ate really good banana bread
i'm halfway through a great book
i'm writing again
i wrote a paper today!
we decorated the house for christmas
shopping tomorrow
thanksgiving with really really great people
feeling Jesus hold my hand
seeing the love of my life in a few days : )

a new blog will have to be started...



It seems to me that life has gotten graudually more and more confusing in the past five days.
(Yes, I realize this is supposed to be a poetry blog. Sue me.)

I don't know what to do with myself, or my life, or decisions.
I just want to go back to the Art Museum and dream dreams again.
I'm scared.
Mighty scared.
I'm also excited and what could be.
I miss feeling that with him.

Is it a terrible thing to ask someone to help you fall in love with them again?

It seems to me that life never stops confusing you or scaring the hell out of you.
(Sorry I swore God. I didn't mean it cursingly.)

Lately my head has been filled of Paris and infinte possiblities.
Africa and dirt huts with needy people
-and I have the cure.

Empty books with pages waiting to be written
-just give me a chance to prove myself again.

I found myself again, this raging person that I forgot how much I missed.
But now that I found her, what do I do with it?
How do you break out of a settled life with out setting things off?
What if settling (not in the bad sense of the term) is an okay move at some point in your life?
-what point?

John Mayer is my best friend and lives inside my head.
I hope he never leaves.



i'm really trying to convince myself
that the world hasn't completely crashed
and life hasn't completely stopped
and i'm not completely helpless.
but then these moments hit
and i can't breathe
and i'm so terrified that
i feel like i'm drowning
and i don't see how anything will ever
ever be okay again.
i'm worried that i lost out on who i was
and i'm worried that i'll lose out on the person that loved me anyway
but i'm even more worried
that staying with that person would be worse
than trying to pick up pieces and go somewhere else.
i don't know who i am.
i don't know what i want.
i don't know where to go
or what to do
or what to think.
all i do
is cry and wonder what on earth
God is doing up there.

"Be still and know that I am the LORD your God."
"Whether your feet turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying "This is the way; walk in it."
"I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future."
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."



a quick one before i rush out the door
because i feel like i can't breathe
can't wake up
can't get through today.
i just prayed
over and over
and over and over
in the shower.
'God get me through today.
that's all i need.'
sometimes the hits
just keep on coming.

i will praise His name.

sometimes the tears
just won't stop.

i will praise His name.

I will praise His name forever.


it's on the tip of my tongue

It's all in the little things-
small haircuts
tiny smiles
sideways glances
cups of coffee
miniature love notes
brief kisses
quiet giggles
-beautiful faith.
is almost always shocking
and it almost
makes things more difficult.
I feel
like I'm learning how to do this
Is there any talent left
in these stained, grownup fingers?
Is there any reason still
to keep me spitting out words?
I guess in the end
it depends on the motives.
Hope is coming back again.
That's enough for me.


Not mine, but someone else's

I took my heart in my hand
(O my love, O my love),
I said: Let me fall or stand,
Let me live or die,
But this once hear me speak
(O my love, O my love)—
Yet a woman's words are weak;
You should speak, not I.

You took my heart in your hand
With a friendly smile,
With a critical eye you scann'd,
Then set it down,
And said, 'It is still unripe,
Better wait awhile;
Wait while the skylarks pipe,
Till the corn grows brown.'
As you set it down it broke—
Broke, but I did not wince;
I smiled at the speech you spoke,
At your judgement I heard:
But I have not often smiled
Since then, nor question'd since,
Nor cared for cornflowers wild,
Nor sung with the singing bird.

I take my heart in my hand,
O my God, O my God,
My broken heart in my hand:
Thou hast seen, judge Thou.
My hope was written on sand,
O my God, O my God:
Now let thy judgement stand—
Yea, judge me now.

This contemn'd of a man,
This marr'd one heedless day,
This heart take thou to scan
Both within and without:
Refine with fire its gold,
Purge Thou its dross away—
Yea, hold it in Thy hold,
Whence none can pluck it out.

I take my heart in my hand—
I shall not die, but live—
Before Thy face I stand;
I, for Thou callest such:
All that I have I bring,
All that I am I give,
Smile Thou and I shall sing,
But shall not question much.

-Christina Georgina Rossetti


song for a man

If I could fit the words on a page,
I'd write you every song that ever was
and sing it to you until the sky turned dark
and the moon shone bright.
I'm lost inside my head again
and you're the only one who can even see where I've gone.
Will you fight for me through the end?
Will you tell me that I'm beautiful as I keep tearing myself to shreds?
If my world was perfect
I'd be beautiful and soft every hour of every day
and I'd make you feel like the man you are.
Can you take this instead?
Can you read this when I pierce your heart
and realize that I'm a mess that's clinging to the only thing that makes sense?
Necessity is an evil thing in our life
and it dictates who we are and what we become.
Come on baby, let's run
and get away from the problems we've started.
Come on baby, let's dance
and let the moonlight swallow us whole.
Come on baby, let's live
and start over with every rising sun.


numbly rusting

Rust on my hands...
Can I even do this anymore?
I'm afraid there's disconnect in my brain
and the affecting factor has taken over
and is affecting everything I ever cared about
will care about
will ever want to care about.
Sometimes I miss things so much
it hurts.
Other times
I hate the things I miss so much
that it is repulsive.
I wonder if I will ever read the plotline of my life
without wanting to make it more user-friendly.
Will I ever suck it up and take it like the woman I should be?
Will I ever be the woman I should be?
The other day
I figured out that I was only here because
I have nowhere else to go.
I wish that one day I would be brave enough
to kiss the man outside the window
jump on the bus and ride until I get somewhere
write until my fingers are numb
cry until my tears are gone
laugh until my stomach aches
feel until I am going to explode.
Sometimes I wonder
why I ever wanted to be numb.


double dog dare

I dare you to
let God make a masterpiece out of your mess.
I dare you to
start living like God still has an amazing plan for you.
I dare you to
quit questioning God's love and just accept it.
I dare you to
believe that you are strong enough because God gives you strength.
I dare you to
quit living like you're a prisoner of all of this.
I dare you to
let it go and walk away.
I dare you to
believe that God loves you enough not to make you miserable.
I dare you to
believe that God knew all of this was going to happen and He died for you anyway.
I dare you to
be free.


if my heart cracked, would You leak out?

It's like a constant renewal.
God, sometimes I wonder
how on earth do you put up with me?
It's moments like those
that You sit me down in a corner with rain
stare me in the face
and say nothing.
You just hold me.
Just exactly the way I need it.
Sometimes my heart feels like it's going to explode
because it's so full
of You.
I don't understand.
Maybe I never will.
Maybe that's the way it should be.
"I won't give up
on giving You
a chance to blow my mind."
My words are inadequate
and I'm sorry that I have nothing greater to give.
But what I do have,
I'll give it up.
God, You know.
I love You more than anything else.
May that never change.



My arms are open wide
stretched out wide.
My hands are holding onto you
clinging to You.
I'm flying freely
but I had to jump to get here.
I wish you could see this.
I wish you could understand.
Tonight the world could crash
and we could fade away
and nothing would be the same
but You.
Always You.
I'm gasping for air now
crying out for Breath.
This faith, it takes me under
and it always pulls me through.
I've my fair share of bruises
and wounds I wish I could hide.
But in the end,
it all comes back to You.
All to You.
I am so unworthy,
and You are so magnificent.
God, who am I?
Your love, it's so consuming.
You're a fire to my bones
an intoxication in my soul.
I'm never letting go of You.


A lack of empathy

I can't seem the feel the empathy towards you
that I once had.
You took that away.
You threw it away, violently.
Believe me, your feelings were made perfectly clear.
Decisions are killing you.
I can't help you out anymore.
This is where I really cut ties,
and burn bridges on purpose.
Drastic measures, maybe.
But it's for our good.
I can't function with you
and you can't function without me.
That's not how it works.
So. Read this and weep.
Then move on,
and forget all about me.
(Is this screaming emo?)
Life is better now.
I'm not going to go risk that just for your sanity.
That's between you and God.
I've given you my input.
But I can't believe for you anymore.


I'll find the right words to say to you.